Landing Pages and Google Ads – Why Do They Work So Well Together?

Landing Pages and Google Ads

Everyone (including us) keeps talking about how great landing pages are. But sometimes even a perfect landing page won’t suffice, especially if you need quick results and don’t have time for driving organic traffic to it. That’s when paid ads come up to the stage.

Buying ads is a great way to find a much greater audience on short notice, but there’s a risk of losing your money on ineffective campaigns. To avoid that, you need to focus on precise targeting and… create a landing page for each ad.

70% of marketers use landing pages with their paid ads

Let’s start with some data. Did you know that almost 70% of marketers use landing pages with their paid ads? They all can’t be wrong… or can they? Though they claim to actively use landing pages, some studies say that 44% of clicks for B2B companies are being directed not to landing pages (as they should be), but to their homepages.

It’s a sad waste of resources since the effort you need to put in creating landing pages is no match to the results they may bring.

Let’s put it short: landing pages are the best choice for paid ads because they are strongly focused on what’s being advertised. No distractions, no way to get lost in the process – just a straight line from an ad, through the landing page to the purchase.

Why landing pages?

Why Google Ads?

Google Ads’ popularity didn’t come out of nowhere. It’s the biggest online advertising platform which offers so much personalization and targeting options, that for some people is just too much. But Google Ads isn’t created just for professionals who spend years learning how to use it in the most effective way.

It also allows people to create ad experiences in a simple way. And if the platform interface isn’t intuitive enough for you, Google provides tons of free guides that show you how to create your campaigns.

Want more? The ads you buy in Google are targeted, and if the targeting is done well, you can be sure that only those who are actually interested in your product or service will see the ad. You can see what other ads look like easily, just type in anything you want to buy in Google search – “camping equipment”, for example.

The results here are relevant to the search, therefore there’s a huge chance that a person looking for camping equipment will click here before scrolling down for more propositions.

But there’s a thorn in that rose: improper setup of your ads may lead to major financial losses. Having a broad audience is a good thing, but when it’s too broad, it generates CPC (cost per click) that can make your ad campaign completely unprofitable.

This is why Google Ads is a powerful tool, but it needs to be controlled by someone who knows how to do it. It’s not tough, yet it requires some preparation – just like building landing pages!

Remember when we were talking about Google Ads before? I mentioned their Skillshop, which allows you to learn whatever you need about Google tools. Of course, there’s a whole segment fully focused on Google Ads. Check it out and learn why landing pages and Google Ads work so well together.

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1. Using landing pages with Google Ads helps visitors focus on the very thing you want to promote.

2. Google Ads are relatively easy to set up, and if you don’t know how to do it, check their Skillshop. It’s free!

3. Google Ads offers a broad spectrum of targeting techniques, so you can make your ads visible only for the target audience.

4. Using landing pages in PPC marketing gets more popular every day. By starting now, you have a chance of outrunning your competition!

Landing Pages and Facebook Ads

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Google Ads is not the only advertising platform out there. In the next lesson, we’ll be talking about advertising in social media – we’ll start with Facebook Ads and how you can connect them with your landing pages.