Lead Nurturing Guide – Take Care of Your Leads

Example of lead nurturing using a landing page

Getting leads is one of the most popular landing page goals. No wonder, since leads are the lifeblood of online marketing. The ultimate target should be converting those leads into paying, or even better, returning customers. And without lead nurturing, it's close to impossible.

Image for lead nurturing definition

In short, lead nurturing is the process of creating relationships between leads and the brand or product. Marketers nurture leads by offering them information, solutions, and help in any way possible. Also, developing an overall sense of accomplishment and contentment is one of the lead nurturing foundations.

Lead nurturing usually goes hand in hand with the sales funnel and is present at every stage of it. The process consists of all things necessary to build trust and encourage people interested in your brand or product to become customers.

What is lead nurturing?

How goes the lead nurturing process?

Although there is no textbook solution for planning the lead nurturing process, I'll share my thoughts about it.

Start with lead scoring – every lead you get is already somewhere on a customer's journey, and your job is to assign them to a sound stage. Of course, depending on which business branch you are working in and what type of product or service you sell, you'll need a different scoring system.

The more information you get about leads, the easier it is to score them, but the data you gather on your landing pages won't tell you everything there is to know about your leads. If it did, you wouldn't need nurturing at all.

So it would help if you began with scoring, but keep in mind that it's not the one-time thing – you'll be scoring leads continuously throughout the process.

Make a direct contact – since you got this far in the Landing Page Academy, I assume you already have your landing page, and I don't have to tell you that it's one of the best ways to gather leads, but also to know them better (funnels can be built on landing pages, too!).

Any form of direct contact with the lead may uncover some of their secrets, but the most approachable yet still practical is sending emails right to their inboxes.

Run some content marketing – while we're at it, emails can get much more attractive to the user if they offer something more than just a few words and a link to the offer. The same goes for landing pages.

Content marketing is not just about writing, but it is also the art of answering unspoken questions. Learn to share parts of your knowledge for free, knowing that you may win their hearts, which is priceless.

There are thousands of ways to do content marketing (explainer videos, checklists, podcasts, YouTube videos, live streams, free PDF guides that help solve common problems of your prospects), but the choice is yours. Not every type of content will work great in your customers' area of interest.

Enable multichannel nurturing – distribution is the nurturing equivalent for traffic in landing pages. Without it, you won't reach your leads and certainly won't convert them into customers. The key to success in this matter is connecting your channels so that you can get your leads in newsletters, social media, paid ads, on industry events, and so on.

Follow up – avoid spamming your leads. They have entrusted you with their data, so don't strain it. On the other hand, sending them a single message (regardless of the channel) and not following up would be a waste. People get hundreds of messages a day, so it's not uncommon for them to miss one, two… or fifty. Keep them informed by sending a second one after a while, but if there's no response after a third message… let it go.

Make use of marketing automation – find yourself a solution that allows you to automate your efforts – build funnels, schedule campaigns, send automated responses, and so on. It's vital for those who need to deal with hundreds or thousands of leads, but could also come in handy while nurturing a dozen.

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1. The goal of lead nurturing is to develop a relationship with the leads and, eventually, get a paying customer.

2. Scoring leads can take many forms, and there is no "best" one, but it would be best to start with it.

3. Don't be afraid to contact your leads via email. After all, they've shared it with you for a reason.

4. Think about rewarding your prospects with some free stuff related to your product from time to time.

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Chapter 5 ends here. We'll be back, though, with the final chapter! We're this close to the very end of the Landing Page Academy, but there's still some talking about advertising your landing pages left. Stay tuned!