Publishing a landing page

Example of a published landing page

Quite some time has passed since we started the Landing Page Academy journey together. You are now ready to publish your landing page. You can publish it as a standalone page (on your domain), as a WordPress page, or embed it on your server. In this lesson, I’ll show you how to publish landing pages and what to do once they are visible to everyone!

Before publishing

In the last lesson, I’ve written about domains and mentioned test domains. Each major landing page builder has one available for their customers. You can use them to test and to gather feedback from your team or your client.

In Landingi, each landing page can be published on a test domain, which means that you can get a link to your landing page right away and send it to your colleagues or to the client you’re working with. It won’t be indexed by the Google bot, so if you don’t share the link outside, no one will be able to find this landing page – it will be available only for a narrow audience, hand-picked by you.

Use this time to:

Landing page publishing options
  • Gather feedback
  • Test the page look on different devices
  • Test pagespeed

After some time, if you’re convinced that your landing page is ready to go, you should publish it the right way. After some time, if you’re convinced that your landing page is ready to go, you should publish it the right way.

Publish on your own domain

Publishing on your own domain (assuming you have one) requires just a few clicks. Head on to your landing page, check its settings, publishing options, and then change the present URL (which is a test domain) to your domain name.

If you don’t have a domain, go back to the previous Landing Page Academy lesson and see how to acquire one.

A standalone landing page published on your own domain is the best choice for running ads – use this method for marketing purposes and for achieving the highest conversions.

Publish as a WordPress page

You can also use landing pages as WordPress pages. To do so, you’ll probably need a plugin dedicated to the landing page platform of your choice. Head on to the WordPress dashboard and search for plugins, typing in the name of your landing page builder.

Once you have a plugin installed in your WordPress account, you’ll need an API token. Generating one would look differently depending on the landing page builder you use, but it shouldn’t be very hard to find. Creating an API token is usually an easy process, which can be closed in 3-4 quick steps.

So you have an API token, hopefully. Now it’s time to set up the plugin on the WordPress side. Find it in “Installed Plugins” and activate, then click plugin settings and add an API token. A list of landing pages should now be available, so select the one you’d like to import and that’s about it!

See how it’s done in Landingi step by step – even if you use a different landing page builder, it should help in going through the process. In case of any problems, check your builder’s help center if available.

In order to publish your landing page on your own server, download the .PHP file and place it in a folder on your server, just like any other webpage file.

Get more details on it in our guide on how to embed a landing page on your server.

Embed to your own server

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1. There are three main ways of publishing landing pages: standalone, WordPress page, or embedding on own server.

2. Using a standalone landing page is the best choice for running ads.

3. Keep in mind that landing pages published on WordPress will be updated once you make changes to them in the platform you use.

Getting Traffic

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No matter how great your landing page is, you still need to drive traffic to it, if you want to get conversions. That's the plan for the next lesson!

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