A person(a) you'd like to know

Join us in our talk about personas and how you could take advantage of building a personalized experience for each one of them.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 2:00pm UTC

The joint administrators of personal data are Landingi Inc. and Landingi Sp. z o. o.

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What you’ll learn:

  • What is a persona and why do you need it?
  • How to define a persona?
  • Examples of personalized landing pages
  • How to quickly create a personalized page
Save Your Spot

For nearly 10 years I’ve been up to digital marketing, landing pages, and conversion rate optimization. Initially, as a web designer, then managing lead generation campaigns for customers, now leading the marketing team at Landingi.

Customer Success Specialist in Landingi. I'm here to help you define your business goals and make sure we do not stray off the path towards them.

I educate customers on how to use the Landingi platform in the most efficient way and how to squeeze the most out of your landing pages.

Patryk Dymek

Andrzej Bieda

Meet the hosts of the webinar

Customer Success Specialist


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